Company Information

To our Valuable Customers

Mitsuwa Industries Corporation


“Fine Ingredients, Fine Discovers”

Focusing on the food market of tomorrow and following the basic standards “Deliver all the wanted products as fast as we can” we have been able to support our local customers and grow our business.

We send deep gratitude to all our customers who have supported us.
We continue to follow and work hard with our mission “Support the food culture of tomorrow” and contribute to a strong and long term relationship with local companies.

Wishing a you and Mitsuwa Industries Corporation to have a great relationship.

Tatsuhiro Yonamine

About Our Logo

Our Logo

Our Logo becomes of three rings, wishing that Customer, Supplier, and Our Company come together three in one and develop and grow.


Represents the Customer.
Our number one value since our establishment is to place our customers needs first priority.


Represents the Supplier.
To provide the best service to our customers we need to keep a good relationship with our suppliers.


Represents our Staff.
Our Staff’s effort is the key to our success.

Company Information

Company Information

Company Name
Mitsuwa Industries Corporation
Tatsuhiro Yonamine
Head Office Address
1169 Shikina Naha City Okinawa, Japan
1 billion yen
Food Containers, Packaging Materials, Kitchen Appliance, Wholesale Food Ingredients

Annual Income
7.3 billion yen
Associate company
Mori Chubo Setsubi Co., Ltd.
Sogo Yushi, Ltd.
Maeda Industrial Co., Ltd.
Ryukyu Setsubi Co., Ltd.
Mitsuwa Transportation Corporation

Company History

1972 Established in Tomari, Naha City Okinawa Japan
1975 Central Okinawa Store open
1977 Head office relocated to Uchima, Urasoe City
1981 Opening of Central Okinawa Sales Branch
1983 Opening of Ginowan Store
1984 Relocated head office to Shikina, Naha City(Present location)
1984 Opening of Chuo Ichiba Store
1988 Opening of Naha Store (near Heiwa-Dori)
1990 Relocated the Central Branch to Akamichi Gushikawa City
1994 Opening of Nago store
1995 Entity Conversion to Mitsuwa Industries Corporation
1996 Opening of Tsubogawa Store in Naha City
1999 Opening of Central Distribution Center in Nakagusukuwanko Kougyoudanchi at 13-2 Suzaki Gushikawa City
1999 Opening of Awase Store
2002 Opening of New Nago Store
2004 Renewal opening of Gushikawa Store
2005 Certified ISO9001 (Central Distribution Center)
2006 Opening of the second Central Distribution Center (in Nakagusukuwanko Kougyoudanchi)
2008 New operating system begins
2009 Remodeling of Main Office Building, Expansion of Central Distribution Center parking
2010 Expansion of Awase Showroom
2011 Opening of Ishigaki Store in Hirae, Ishigaki City
2011 Opening of Aja Store in Aja, Naha City
2013 Factory improved.
2013 Mobile distribution system started
2013 Mori Chubo Setsubi Co., Ltd. joined our corporate group
2014 Yamauchi store open in Minami Tobaru Okinawa City. (Koza Store Closed)
2015 Tsubogawa location is temporarily closed due to renovation from April 2015.
2015 start of new mobile business management
2015 Sogo Yushi, Ltd. joined our corporate group
2016 Recovery/expansion of distribution center/headquarters
2016 Tsubogawa store reopen
2016 FinTech accounting initial version introduction
2017 Certified as a J credit system of the country.
2017 Maeda Industrial Co., Ltd. joined our corporate group
2018 Tuboya store has closed due to the deterioration.
2018 Miyako store is opened in Miyakojima city
2019 Opening of Ishigaki Distribution Center (Adjoining Ishigaki Store)
2019 Expanded the warehouse on the second distribution center site.
2019 FinTech accounting late version introduction
2020 We started to provide three hotel rooms as welfare facilities in Onna Village.
2021 Ryukyu Setsubi Co., Ltd. joined our corporate group
2022 Mitsuwa Transportation Corporation: new subsidiaries established.
2023 The special sales division for kitchen equipment was established.
2023 We have developed a new order management system.

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